The Most Useful of News Media

Television is a medium that highly favored by many people. By a clear show, people can see and monitoring the show on television. TV programs which usually shown on television are given as attractive as possible. Thus everyone can continue to use this facility.

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Benefits of TV

TV as the first news medias not only presented a sound,but television also supported a video that caught eagerness of the audience. When a newscaster reads the news, the audience will be more understand because it is supported by a video.

In addition to the first news media to broadcast it, the TV can also publish a good and useful program as well as films that aired as a TV show. It can also make the audience understand the story given. In addition, the language that used in the media is using good language and easy to understand.

From some advantages above, the TV also has it's disadvantages. TV production is still very expensive, so the price of TV is costly. TV operational costs are also quite expensive. As thefirst news media, the process of delivering news to the public takes a long time and through several procedures. These procedures are shooting, editing, and broadcasting.

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Posted in Web Design Post Date 10/03/2022






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